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«People about People»: Which political institutions do the Kazakhstan people trust?

According to the regional sociological monitoring conducted by KazISS in February 2022, the President enjoys the greatest trust among the institutions of political power, being trusted by 81.4% of those surveyed (in the sum of “trust” and “rather trust” answers).

In the rating of trust to political institutions the second position is occupied by local akims. They are trusted by 59.4% in total (in three cities of national importance this question was not asked). Next come the Government (53.2%) and akims of regions/cities with a population of millions – 51.8%.

Parliament (50.4 per cent) was also among the authorities that more than half of those surveyed trusted.

The population least trusts political parties (43.7%) and maslikhats (45.5%).

*Regional monitoring has been conducted by KazISS since 2019 with a sample of 6 800 respondents. The geography of the survey covers 14 oblasts and 3 cities of national importance. A total of 185 urban and rural settlements. The sample is representative of the general population (the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan over the age of 18) according to the main parameters (gender, age, ethnicity, type of settlement).