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Visions of Central Asia’s future discussed in Kazakhstan

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On January 20th, 2023 the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan along with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan are holding an expert meeting “Central Asia 2030: Visions of the Future”.
The event was focused on topical issues of cooperation between Central Asian countries in the field of trade and economy, transport and energy, human capital development, and the prospects of cultural and humanitarian collaboration. The meeting is attended by representatives of state bodies of Kazakhstan, heads of institutes of strategic studies under the presidents of Central Asian countries, and experts on topical problems and issues of regional cooperation.

Yerkin Tukumov, the Director of KazISS, offered to discuss the development of the region by 2030, the challenges that are expected and the opportunities that will be crucial in close cooperation. ” Global uncertainty level in the world will only increase. We have entered into a new period of development, and it requires more reflection. The current tectonic shifts in the system of international relations force to adapt to them by uniting to solve common problems. Therefore, it is important today to expand and strengthen the regional dialogue on the main aspects of the development of Central Asia. Growing strategic uncertainty in the world is a basic trend. We need to understand at this type of meeting whether we are moving in the right direction, whether we are forming the right strategies in this rapidly changing world. We must consider the possibilities of a successful bilateral relationship becoming greater than this. Rather than just scaling up, we need to form regionally-based topics to rebuild cooperation. We need a advanced scenario of cooperation and integration, taking into account past experiences to avoid mistakes and regret for missed opportunities,” said the head of the institute.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Yermukhambet Konuspayev, in turn, said that meetings in this format allow to discuss the most important issues in an open and constructive environment of dialogue. “Regular contacts at the highest level allow us to solve a whole range of strategically important issues, determine the further vector of our cooperation, in general ensure peace and stability in the region. As a result, we have brought our interstate cooperation to a qualitatively new high level. We are witnessing global changes, which bring both new challenges and new opportunities. The Central Asian countries show high determination. The countries have begun an intensive dialogue. We solve strategic issues together to achieve peace and stability in the region. In this regard, Consultative meetings of Heads of States are particularly important. Summits in our countries play a special role; this September, the anniversary summit in Dushanbe will be held. A treaty on friendship in the 21st century, a roadmap for regional cooperation, a green agenda are being negotiated and launched. The volume of regional trade has been increased, which has grown by 50%. Measures are taken to further increase logistics projects, business linkages, and joint ventures. Fundamental cultural and humanitarian ties strengthen brotherly relations between our countries. Interest in the cultural heritage of Central Asia increases. We welcome the preservation of common heritage. Central Asia is becoming an important participant of global processes,” said Yermukhambet Konuspayev.

The participants of the conference emphasized the role of the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in the collaborative development of the Central Asian countries, in addition, the speakers highlighted the importance of discussing the strategic vision for a collaborative development.

Therefore, Khayridin Usmonzoda, Director of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan highlighted the importance of the reforms currently taking place in the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and implemented under the leadership of the Head of State that set an example for other countries in the region. “If earlier the Central Asian countries relied on forecasts received from outside, today these forecasts are made in the centers of strategic studies of the region. And we do this together, constantly exchanging views and working together, so that we can stand up to the problems that have already made themselves felt. The reforms that are now taking place in the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and are being implemented under the leadership of the Head of State are very important, including for many Central Asian countries and are an example for other countries in the region. Practice shows that your country is always confidently moving forward, its stability and economic development are a guarantee of stability and development of the entire region,” shared the expert.

Eldor Aripov, the Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, emphasized the importance of a vision for Central Asia in 2030. “The situation of the world we live in today requires us to strengthen regional cooperation, deepen cooperation in Central Asia. The fight for the future of the young generation in Central Asia is a fight for the future of the region. The main question is how we envision the Central Asian region in seven years. We need an “ideal” of cooperation, to harmonize it for synchronous development in all countries. It is also important not only the future results, but also the analysis of the real situation and available resources to achieve these results,” shared the speaker.

Kanatbek Aziz, Director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kyrgyzstan, offered to define the content of collaborative strategic development. “We must determine the content for future cooperation in Central Asia. How do we see the region? Does it cover five countries? We need to consider turning it into a macro-region. We must create a platform of thinking people, analysts to create a common regional picture,” said Kanatbek Aziz.

Director of International institute for Central Asia (Uzbekistan) Vladimir Norov emphasized the relevance of consultative meetings, which laid the foundation for a fundamentally new political environment in the region, created the basis for strengthening unity, which allows to return the former power of Central Asia. “In recent years, we have begun to strengthen the regional subjectivity, which means the ability to take responsibility for solving regional issues by the Central Asian countries themselves. We need to improve the investment climate. Central Asia will become attractive to global companies only if a regional market is created. The developed action plans should be put into practice”, – said Vladimir Norov.

Shiri Shiriyev, Director of the Scientific Center of Strategic Studies of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, mentioned that Central Asia connects the East with Europe, acting as a bridge for trade and ideas. “There is a growing desire to solve common problems, to strengthen ties, especially in trade, and this contributes to attracting foreign investment. The meetings of the leaders demonstrate a new spirit of cooperation between our countries,” he concluded.