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KazISS started the educational module of the second Program to support young experts with an orientation meeting

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An orientation meeting of participants of the second Program to support young experts «Kazakhstan: development challenges and solutions» (hereinafter referred to as the Program) was held in KazISS.

Opening the event, KazISS deputy director Alua Zholdyalina outlined the importance of the Program and elaborated on the main activities and upcoming plans of the Institute, whose 30th anniversary is celebrated this year.

In turn, 20 participants of the Program selected by the results of the competition shared their background, area of scientific interests and noted expectations regarding the improvement of analytical skills in the framework of the upcoming training.

The purpose of the Program is to support local young experts in conducting research in the field of social sciences with the development of their competitiveness in the expert and research field.

Within a month, the project participants will be involved in the training module of the Program. The leading experts of KazISS and representatives of Kazakh and foreign analytical structures and universities will train young scientists in research skills and share expert views on foreign and domestic policy issues. As part of the Program, its participants will undergo a series of methodological seminars of the country’s brightest analysts, and at the end of the month, under the guidance of KazISS experts, they will have to develop group and individual analytical reports according to research directions. In addition, they will have the opportunity to win a KazISS research grant upon successful completion of the Program.