Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted a meeting with Kaha Imnadze, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia.
KazISS Director Yerkin Tukumov noted the importance of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for the development of cooperation in Central Asia, and also emphasized the relevance of the Center’s joint work with research institutes in Central Asia, given the established traditional close contacts with the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies. “Kazakhstan is deeply interested in maintaining stability in the region. In addition, we deeply appreciate the contribution of your Center to help combat terrorism, identify new threats, attention to climate and water problems,” added Yerkin Tukumov.
In turn, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Head of the UNRCCA Kaha Imnadze said: “The UN Council perfectly understands the importance of Central Asia. We see how relations are developing in the region between the leaders now. We note the wisdom of the heads of states who support the dialogue, because any issues should be discussed and resolved within the region. Our role is to support these efforts”.
The parties paid special attention to water issues and touched upon environmental issues. The participants of the meeting exchanged positions and approaches to solving this issue and agreed on close cooperation. Issues related to Afghanistan are an important part of the dialogue. The parties agreed that in order to ensure the effectiveness of work in this area, it is necessary to join efforts in conducting extensive analytical research and expert dialogue on the “Central Asia – Afghanistan” line.